Membership and Sponsorships

Support Liberty Arts: Become a Member

Liberty Arts is a non-profit 501(c)(3) public benefit corporation. All donations and support are tax-deductible. Your membership helps support the arts in Yreka, promote local artists and bring new ideas to Siskiyou County.

As a Liberty Arts member, you will receive invitations to our openings, and other special member events. You will also be invited to participate in our annual members-only art exhibitions. And, hopefully, you will feel an incredible sense of ownership and pride in the fact that you’re partially responsible for enriching the culture and community with exciting, unique exhibitions and events you won’t find anywhere else in Siskiyou County.

  • Annual Membership $25
  • Associate Membership $50-$99
  • BFF (Benjamin Franklin Funder) Membership $100-$249
  • Exhibition Sponsorship $250

You can also print out the Mail-In Form, fill in your information and mail with your check to Liberty Arts, 108 W. Miner St, Yreka, CA 96097

Mail in Membership form

Liberty Arts EIN 94-2985366
Thank you for your support!

Business Sponsorships

For each sponsorship your business can chose a show from the calendar. Each show runs approximately five weeks. Your business name and logo will be on all marketing materials and will be displayed in the gallery for the entire exhibition. We will recognize your business at the opening night reception of your sponsored show. Also, remember, sponsorships are tax deductible! (Liberty Arts EIN 94-2985366)

  • Exhibition Sponsorship for one business $500
  • Exhibition Split-Sponsorship for two businesses $250 each totaling $500